Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Beckham Thomas Jennings -Birth Story

Usually I would post birth stories on my photography blog-but because this one is so personal to me, I wanted to share it here. 

I had the privilege Monday of being apart of a birth for two people that Jared and I love dearly. For not knowing them very long, Jess and Clay have been better friends to us than we ever could have asked for. They are truly two of the kindest, most compassionate and accepting people you will ever meet. I've felt a certain connection to Jess' pregnancy for a couple reasons. Not only were we pregnant together, but I was the very first person who knew baby Beckham would be coming. I remember getting a phone call from Jess one afternoon and though "this is weird. why isn't she just texting me..?" When I answered the phone I could hear that she was a little panicked and crying. I immediately thought all of the worst things possible. Someone died, Clay lost his job, she had cancer….then, right before she said anything- it hit me. She was pregnant. We both sat and cried on the phone for a good minute. She was scared out of her mind-I was just honored that I was the first person she called! I was so amazingly happy for her. Over the next 9 months, she and I would talk 'baby' both in preparing to have our lill'ns. After Sam came, she and Clay began to show their true colors as parents. They LOVED Sam. Any time we get together, Sam is the first place Jessica goes to. I've gotten so excited to see them as parents watching them with my own. OKAY. onto the exciting stuff. :) 

Jess was supposed to be induced at 8 am on Monday morning. I told Clay to keep me updated very often so I didn't miss anything. At 4 am on Monday morning I got the text "its time." Of course I freaked out, ripped myself out of bed, shook Jared awake threw clothes on and got to the hospital. 

Jess had been contracting since Midnight the night before and finally went into the hospital at 3:30ish. She had just gotten her epidural when I arrived, and wasn't as far along as we all thought/hoped so we played the waiting game. Come 7 am with no sign of anything happening, I happily made a McDonalds run (yum….) for Clay and myself then came back to wait some more. If I can honestly say it was one of the longest days of my life-I can't even imagine how they felt. After I got back from breakfast, we all settled in to wait. 

 I don't understand how you can be this beautiful right before you deliver a baby….

When we could tell that things were about to start happening, Jess' step mom came over to her in a moment that I will never forget. After Jessica expressed her fear of being a mother (like all about to be moms do) she leaned down, told her she was going to be amazing and said "he's been up there with your mom. She's about to send him down." 
Holy sobbed my eyes out, batman.  

Then, things started to get exciting. After the water was broke and the pit was in-Jess had dilated to a 9 and it was time to push! 

 I think my favorite part of the day was watching Clay. His legs were constantly bouncing, he was always checking his phone and pacing the room in anticipation of meeting his little boy. Not only that-You can just feel how much he loves her. How much concern and adoration he has for her as a wife and mother. 

 Becks didn't wait long. After 10 or so minutes, a beautiful, blonde baby boy joined his mom and dad.
Beckham Thomas Jennings 
Born November 4th, 2013 at 12:30 am. 8 lbs1 oz and 21 inches long.

 I truly believe there is no moment in life more beautiful than that of a parent seeing, hearing and holding their child for the first time. It truly is the closest to heaven you can ever be on this earth. 

 look at those feet! 

 I don't even think words can express this moment for me. Seeing someone you love so much, so happy-is truly the best feeling in the world. 

 Grandma & Grandpa

Congrats to these two beautiful people. Well-three now. :) I couldn't be happier or more excited for you on your new journey in life. Welcome to parenthood! Truly the greatest blessing you will ever receive. 


       Aunt Amanda